I have been able to work with clients at varying stages of product development. Below are a few of my projects.


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Quantifying user goals: Learning who comes to Redfin through continuous intercept surveys

Redfin’s User Growth team is tasked with increasing the number of people visiting Redfin’s site, and only a small portion of those who visit actually end up interacting with Redfin’s brokerage services. To ensure we were creating an experience that worked not only for near-term homebuyers, but also the broader swaths of Redfin users, I launched a monthly intercept survey program to understand who was coming to Redfin and the primary goal of their visit. This information helped teams prioritize work to drive traffic and engagement, and as an input to forecast business.

Representing “safety” in real estate: Understanding perceptions of safety for homebuyers and agents

In 6 weeks, I conducted a multi-part research effort to help my team understand how people use and perceive crime data on real estate sites and its potential impact. This research program included a literature review, interviews with recent homebuyers, and a focus group of real estate agents to understand how to define safety and how crime data informs decision-making. My work helped Redfin make the values-driven choice not to put crime data on their website, and prompted other real estate sites (Realtor.com, Trulia) to remove their crime data.

Reframing critical moments: Understanding users through a journey map

In a brief engagement, I worked with a digital therapeutics company to understand the experience of their early access users. The product was recently approved by the FDA as treatment for children. The company wanted to understand the context, behaviors and motivations of parents and children who had high-compliance with treatment. Through a series of interviews, I was able to find and highlight key moments that impacted how users understood and enacted treatment. The research resulted in an early journey map and clear moments and interactions to retune before their national launch.

Defining workflows and highlighting opportunities: Product evaluation through a diary study

In 8 weeks, I led a diary study for an architectural software company to evaluate how a new browser-based product could fit into an existing suite. After launch, the product was struggling to gain users; the team wanted to uncover barriers to adoption, and understand how power users of the suite’s established products could integrate the new browser-based app into their work. The diary study allowed us to see how users reacted to the new app and tried to integrate it into their work. The research resulted in a clearer understanding of the barriers to adoption, workflows to invest in, and greater understanding of use cases.

Surfacing needs in a complex system: Concept testing with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Over the course of a year, I worked with TISTA, a contractor with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to understand the needs of clinicians participating in the Quality Payment Program (QPP). Through a series of iterative concept tests, we were able to understand how clinicians need to see data and what data was essential for making informed decisions to improve quality of care while lowering costs. We communicated our findings to the backend development and data science teams as well as the broader QPP team to ensure that QPP showed the most relevant data to help the program meet its goals.

Please connect with me to learn more about these projects and my experience.